Wednesday, February 2, 2011

12 Hours At Nursing Home!

I spent 12 hours at nursing home today. She's getting sick. Ugh.

Last night I made a hat for a 6 month old boy! It turned out cute. Now I only have the baby shower blanket to complete! All day if someone approached me about making something for them I have to "just say NO" whoops! Politely of course! 

It looks much better in person! The colors are very 

I need to make an adult hat! It would look great! 
For someone!

Today while working on my baskets I made a mistake on 2 of them. I accidentally left the last row off! Well it was faster to make and it would work great for the cna's, kitchen staff, maintenance, and housekeeping! 
Check this out!

Not too much difference!

I started a child sized hat today. I have no hats stockpiled. So I need to start creating lots of hats for next winter!

It looks huge in the pic but its not! I have 7 more rows to go! It will not take long to finish it!